
There is so much I want to say to You, so much I want to ask. I don’t know where to begin. For instance, why is it that You do not reveal Yourself ? If there really is a God, and You are It, why do You not reveal Yourself in a way we can all understand?

我還有太多想問你的了,但不知道從何起頭。 比如,為什麼你不現身? 如果神真的存在,而你就是祂,你為什麼不以大家都能理解的方式現身呢?


I have done so, over and over. I am doing so again right now.



No. I mean by a method of revelation that is incontrovertible; that cannot be denied.



Such as?



Such as appearing right now before my eyes.



I am doing so right now.






Everywhere you look.



No, I mean in an incontrovertible way. In a way no man could deny.



What way would that be? In what form or shape would you have Me appear?



In the form or shape that you actually have.



That would be impossible, for I have no form or shape you understand. I could adopt a form or shape that you could understand, but then everyone would assume that what they have seen is the one and only form and shape of God, rather than a form or shape of God—one of many.

那是不可能的,我不具有你們所明白的型態和樣貌。 就算我選擇了一種你們能懂的樣子出現,你們反而會認為這是神既定且唯一的形象, 而不是神的眾多樣子中的其中一個。

People believe I am what they see Me as, rather than what they do not see. But I am the Great Unseen, not what I cause Myself to be in any particular moment. In a sense, I am what I am not. It is from the am-notness that I come, and to it I always return.

人們只相信他們見到的我,而不會相信他們未曾見過的我。 但我的本質是不可見的存在,並非在特定情況下顯示的那個樣貌。 意思是,我正是 我所不是 的那個存在。(就像宇宙包含每一顆星星,但一顆星星不等於宇宙。)

我的本質是虛無,即使我顯現為某種形象,那也只是暫時的幻象。 我最終會回歸虛無,回到那無形無相的本源。

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Great Unseen: 可能指的是「祂既是 一切萬物(Great),同時也 無既定形式、樣貌(Unseen)」。 若在此稱自己偉大或至高無上,不太有意義,且跟後句的描述無法對應。


Yet when I come in one particular form or another— a form in which I think people can understand Me— people assign Me that form forevermore.

然而當我已某種特定形象出現- 以一種你們能明白是我的形式- 人們就會將那個形式,永遠當成是我了。

And should I come in any other form, to any other people, the first say I did not appear to the second, because I did not look to the second as I did to the first, nor say the same things— so how could it have been Me ?

假如我給不同的人 顯示了不同的樣子, 第一位見過我的人 會跟第二個人說:「那不是神」, 因為跟第一位見過的樣子不一樣,也不是傳達同樣的事情-那要如何定義那是我(神)?

You see, then, it matters not in what form or in what manner I reveal Myself— whatever manner I choose and whatever form I take, none will be incontrovertible.

所以你知道了吧,重點不在於我用哪種形式代表我- 無論我用哪種形式或樣貌,沒有一種是毫無爭議的。


But if You did something that would evidence the truth of who You are beyond doubt or question…



…there are still those who would say, it is of the devil, or simply someone’s imagination. Or any cause other than Me. If I revealed myself as God Almighty, King of Heaven and Earth, and moved mountains to prove it, there are those who would say, “It must have been Satan.”

…這樣的話,就會有人說那是:「魔鬼之作」;或說那是某人的想像;或說是與神無關的跡象。 又如果我聲稱自己是萬能的神、天地之王,然後移動大山、大海來證明我是神,也會有人說:「這是撒旦所為。」

And such is as it should be.

For God does not reveal Godself to Godself from or through outward observation, but through inward experience. And when inward experience has revealed Godself, outward observation is not necessary. And if outward observation is necessary, inward experience is not possible.


因為,神並不是從外在事物就能認識的,而是要從內心深處去體會。 當我們已經從內心感受到神,就不需要再靠外在的東西來理解了。 如果還需要靠這些外在的東西,那我們就不可能真正從內心認識神。

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If, then, revelation is requested, it cannot be had, for the act of asking is a statement that it is not there; that nothing of God is now being revealed. Such a statement produces the experience.

For your thought about something is creative, and your word is productive, and your thought and your word together are magnificently effective in giving birth to your reality.

Therefore shall you experience that God is not now revealed, for if God were, you would not ask God to be.

話說回來,如果你要求我現身,那是無法實現的。 因為『要求』這個動作本身就等於在宣告:你現在並沒有某樣事物; 所以在這件事上,你的『要求』反而會讓你實現『你現在無法看到我』。


由於你的思想具有創造力,你的話語則擁有力量, 當 思想和話語 結合在一起時,它們會非常有效地創造出你的現實。

同理可知,你實現了我現在不顯現的體驗。 因為如果我已經在這裡了,你就不會來要求我出現。

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這段意思是說,你本身有"實現"的能力,而實現是透過"宣告"去創造出現實。 你可以擁有的=你宣告的=你最核心的思想與表態

也就是說"要求"是多餘的行動,這行為並不在實現的公式裡。 所以神回頭過來解釋了Neale 做了無效的動作。


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  1. 神的本質: 是一切也是虛無,祂也許會為了某人而挑選形象現身,這並不意味祂就是長這樣。 因此執著於形象毫無必要性。
  2. 感受神存在的方式: 應由內心去體驗和感受,無須執著外在的各種跡象去證明。
  3. 真正的實現: 『要求』這個動作本身就等於在宣告:你現在並沒有某樣事物。 例如:我想要變有錢,底層邏輯是"你沒錢",因此你就是跟自己說,你是沒錢的人,你就會成為你所宣告的狀態。 預告:下一篇會有相關的內容 </aside>