How does God talk, and to whom?
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I talk to everyone. All the time. The question is not to whom do I talk, but who listens?
First, let’s exchange the word talk with the word communicate. It’s a much better word, a much fuller more accurate one. When we try to speak to each other — Me to you, you to Me, we are immediately constricted by the unbelievable limitation of words. For this reason, I do not communicate by words alone. In fact, rarely do I do so. My most common form of communication is through feeling.
我更多時候是用 感受 來與你們溝通。
Feeling is the language of the soul. If you want to know what’s true for you about something, look to how you’re feeling about it. Feelings are sometimes difficult to discover — and often even more difficult to acknowledge. Yet hidden in your deepest feelings is your highest truth. The trick is to get to those feelings. I will show you how. Again. If you wish.
感受是 靈魂的語言。
有時,感受可能難以察覺——即使察覺到了,很多時候你也可能不願意承認。 但深埋在內心深處的感受,才是真正的答案。
關鍵在於學會捕捉這些感受。 如果你有興趣,我可以教你。
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※ Neale 表達想回到第一個問題「如何說話」…
I also communicate with thought.
Thought and feelings are not the same, although they can occur at the same time. In communicating with thought, I often use images and pictures.
For this reason, thoughts are more effective than mere words as tools of communication.
In addition to feelings and thoughts, I also use the vehicle of experience as a grand communicator.
想法和感受雖然不同,但它們是可以同時發生的。 而關於「想法」這種溝通方式,我常運用「影像和畫面」來表達,這比起語言更為有效。
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「經驗」也包含感受和想法,著重 因果過程。
And finally, when feelings and thoughts and experience all fail, I use words. Words are really the least effective communicator. They are most open to misinterpretation, most often misunderstood.
And why is that? It is because of what words are.
Words are merely utterances: noises that stand for feelings, thoughts, and experience. They are symbols. Signs. Insignias. They are not Truth. They are not the real thing.
若這些方法都無法傳達時,我才會使用語言(話語和文字)。 語言其實是最不有效的溝通方式,因為它容易被誤會和曲解。
言語僅僅只是發聲而已 —— 代表感受、想法與經驗的聲音。 它們是一種象徵、跡象和權威。 它們都不是真理,也無法呈現真實的面貌。
Words may help you understand something. Experience allows you to know. Yet there are some things you cannot experience.
So I have given you other tools of knowing. And these are called feelings. And so too, thoughts.
「語言」雖能幫助你理解某些事,但唯有「經驗」能讓你真正知道。 然而,有些事是你無法親身經歷的。
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當你看著電視,撥放難以置性的事情或任何偉大的一刻出現了! 你實際上是無法擁有當事者的體驗,但能透過「感受、想法」去領悟訊息。
Now the supreme irony here is that you have all placed so much importance on the Word of God, and so little on the experience.
In fact, you place so little value on experience that when what you experience of God differs from what you’ve heard of God, you automatically discard the experience and own the words, when it should be just the other way around.
Your experience and your feelings about a thing represent what you factually and intuitively know about that thing. Words can only seek to symbolize what you know, and can often confuse what you know.
最大的諷刺在於,你們賦予「神的話語」如此大的重要性,卻極少重視「自身經驗」。 事實上,當你對神的經驗與你聽說過的神有所不符時,你們會自動捨棄自己的經驗,而選擇相信聽來的話語。
你的經驗與感受反映了你對某件事物的真實且直觀的認知, 而「語言」卻只擁有表面上的意義,卻常常混淆你的理解。
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文字或語言 是從人類歷史發明出來的,神將之視為最低限度的溝通方式。 如何證明其侷限性?比如在英文語系,沒有”辛苦了”這個專用詞句。
你自身的經驗應大於他人流傳的版本,將主導權回歸到自身,而非總依循未能知曉來源的訊息。 這意味著從這刻開始,也許 神 鼓勵作者盡可能挑戰祂。
2025/01/23 新增: 「神的話語/The Word of God」-我猜祂可能指的是與神有關的書籍,以任何媒介傳承下來且由人類紀載得各種"目標"與"規範"。
These, then, are the tools with which I communicate, yet they are not the methods, for not all feelings, not all thoughts, not all experience, and not all words are from Me.
Many words have been uttered by others, in My name. Many thoughts and many feelings have been sponsored by causes not of My direct creation. Many experiences result from these.
這些僅是我用來溝通的工具,而不是溝通準方法。 因為,並非所有的感受、想法、經驗或言語都來自我。
The challenge is one of discernment. The difficulty is knowing the difference between messages from God and data from other sources.
Discrimination is a simple matter with the application of a basic rule: Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from another source.
Now the task of differentiation becomes easy, for it should not be difficult even for the beginning student to identify the Highest, the Clearest, and the Grandest.
真正的挑戰在於辨別,最難的部分就是區分是神,還是其他來源的訊息。 然而,只需運用一個基本規則,你就能輕易區分:
Yet will I give you these guidelines: The Highest Thought is always that thought which contains joy. The Clearest Words are those words which contain truth. The Grandest Feeling is that feeling which you call love.
Joy, truth, love.
These three are interchangeable, and one always leads to the other. It matters not in which order they are placed.
喜悅、真理、愛 —— 這三者是可以互換的,彼此能引向另一個,順序並不重要。
Having with these guidelines determined which messages are Mine and which have come from another source,the only question remaining is whether My messages will be heeded.
Most of My messages are not. Some, because they seem too good to be true. Others, because they seem too difficult to follow. Many, because they are simply misunderstood. Most, because they are not received.
有了這些指引後,你就能分辨出哪些訊息來自於我,哪些來自其他來源。 剩下的問題是:你是否會注意到我的訊息。
有些可能看起來太過美好,而難以置信; 有些因為它們似乎太難實踐; 許多則因為被誤解了; 更多的則根本沒有被接收到。
My most powerful messenger is experience, and even this you ignore. Especially this you ignore.
Your world would not be in its present condition were you to have simply listened to your experience. The result of your not listening to your experience is that you keep re-living it, over and over again.
我最強而有力的訊息是透過「經驗」傳達的,而這也是你們最常忽略的。 在這些媒介中,你們特別會忽視它。
若你們曾用心傾聽自己的經驗,你們的世界便不會像今日這般混亂。 不傾聽經驗的結果,就是你們不得不一次又一次地重複經歷相同的事情。
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For My purpose will not be thwarted, nor My will be ignored. You will get the message. Sooner or later. I will not force you to, however. I will never coerce you. For I have given you a free will—the power to do as you choose—and I will never take that away from you, ever.
因為我的目的不會被阻擋,我的意志也不會被忽視。 你們終將收到這些訊息,遲早而已。 然而,我不會強迫你們,絕對不會。
既然我賦予了你們自由意識——『做你想做的事的權利』 我就絕不會從你身上奪走這份權利。
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自由意識不是指國家機制賦予,而是天生的能力。 只有你自己會用不同理由(道德、意願…)阻止自己停止行動。 其自由意識選擇的結果就是「經驗」。
And so I will continue sending you the same messages over and over again, throughout the millennia and to whatever corner of the universe you occupy. Endlessly will I send you My messages, until you have received them and held them close, calling them your own.
My messages will come in a hundred forms, at a thousand moments, across a million years. You cannot miss them if you truly listen. You cannot ignore them once truly heard.
Thus will our communication begin in earnest.
For in the past you have only talked to Me, praying to Me, interceding with Me, beseeching Me. Yet now can I talk back to you, even as I am doing here.
因此,我將不斷傳遞同樣的訊息,一次又一次,橫跨千禧之間,無論你身處宇宙的哪個角落。 我將無休止地傳遞我的訊息,直到你們聽見並真正接納它,並將其視為你們自己的一部分。
我的訊息將以百種形式、於千個時刻、跨越百萬年到達你們身邊。 如果你們真心傾聽,就無法錯過它們。 一旦真正聽見,就無法忽視。
過去,你們只能單方面地向我說話,祈求我、求助於我、懇求我。 而現在,我也能回應你們,正如我此刻所做的這樣。
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